WORKING CLASS - Elimination of Subdivisions


In Working Class, we have eliminated Subdivision I and II. There are now just the ten exercises.
With the elimination of Subdivision I and II, the titles would be:
3 qualifying scores under two different judges in any 5 exercises in Rookie will earn the CWRI title
3 qualifying scores under two different judges in remaining 5 exercises in Rookie will earn the CWRII title
3 qualifying scores under two different judges in any 5 exercises in Elite will earn the CWTI title
3 qualifying scores under two different judges in remaining 5 exercises in Elite will earn the CWTII title
3 qualifying scores under two different judges in any 5 exercises in Expert will earn the CWXI title
3 qualifying scores under two different judges in remaining 5 exercises in Expert will earn the CWRCh (Working Champion) title
The initial title in each level is still for 5 exercises; it just isn’t exercises 1 to 5 anymore. The second title for each level is still for all 10 exercises. Titles already earned are still meaningful and consistent with the new system.
If these changes mean you have now earned a title, please email with your Dog Name, Dog #, and the title you have earned.

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